Welcome to the SA-ChilD COVID-19 information page
Launch of IAACD COVID-19 Task Force
COVID-19 continues to cause major disruptions in service provision, participation, and overall well-being of children, youth adults with special needs and their families. SA-ChilD is part of the International Alliance of Academies of Childhood Disability (IAACD) COVID-19 Task Force, with the main goal of learning and understanding the impact of COVID-19 and sharing this widely. One of the activities of the Task Force is to collate information from surveys around the world on how the pandemic is affecting the lives of children with disabilities and their families. Are you aware of surveys (using any form of data collection) exploring how the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting on the day- to- day lives of children with disability? If so, would you either email us with details ([email protected]), click on this link to the Global COVID-19 Childhood Disability Survey Form or look at the IAACD COVID-19 Task Force page. The survey can be in the planning or implementation phase. |
Do you want to know more about the IAACD COVID-19 Flash News? Click on the link below Do you want to know more about the
IAACD COVID-19 global task force? Click on the link below |